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Life Skills

Beyond Walls students spend more than 40 hours participating in enrichment programming each year. Beyond Walls recruits experts to deliver interactive seminars on topics such as family health and wellness, violence prevention, financial literacy, diversity awareness, and self-representation. Each time students travel on a trip for squash or academics, opportunities for visits at cultural institutions such as, museums and parks are a priority. Many trips also include visits to colleges and boarding school campuses as well.


Numerous studies have shown the importance of having non-parental caring adults in a child’s life to serve as role models and guides. Beyond Walls students have the opportunity to be paired with trained college mentors from the University MFLP program and the greater Twin Cities community. Mentors and mentees share interests, play squash, pursue academic opportunities, and build strong friendships. Mentors sign on for a year commitment, but often stay connected well beyond that time.


Beyond Walls places great emphasis on nutritional awareness and a holistic sense of wellness for all of our students. Students are not only exposed to nutrition-focused lessons, but also practice good eating habits in all practice, trip and tournament environments. The Beyond Walls Wellness Curriculum includes components of personal and social wellness, sportsmanship, building resilience through sports and understand ones ideal performance state.

Community Service

Beyond Walls students each perform a minimum of 8 hours of community service each year. Projects often evolve organically, based on community need and student interest. Over the past several years, Beyond Walls students have completed park cleanups, collected books for Books For Africa, collected winter coats, organized items for a thrift store, served dinner at homeless shelter and made blankets for those in need.