We combine rigorous academic support and enrichment along with intentional mentoring for our students over the course of their entire middle school, high school, and collegiate years.
7 Hours
Per Week
35 Weeks
Per Year
245 Hours
of Support per Student
Education programming encompasses:
Enrichment and Support Curriculums
Support curriculum focusing on literacy development and individualized learning plans
Enrichment curriculum focusing on continuing student success in academic areas providing resources and opportunities for continued growth
Teaching by a professional licensed teacher
Highly qualified teaching instruction yields stronger academic results and higher student engagement
Focus on social-emotional learning
Reading, writing, and classroom activities focused on the development of self
High value in student voice and choice
Connection to classroom and home
Programming with intentional school partnerships
Academic staff connect monthly with school faculty and teachers to ensure programming fits needs of individual students
Small group mentoring
Partner with University of Minnesota mentors for 1:4 ratio
Mentors provide not only academic support but also insight and guidance into college opportunities and life experiences
College and Career Readiness
Prepare for on-time high school graduation and planning for the first four years post-secondary