Beyond Walls is seeking members for its newly formed advisory council. This council will be made up of family members of current Beyond Walls students, community & school partner members, and Beyond Walls program alumni. This Council will:
Serve to provide important community and program perspectives at a board level.
Meet quarterly with 1-2 members serving as council chairs. The chairs will join formal board meetings 2-3 times per year.
Provide much-needed voice and decision-making counsel on a variety of direct programming topics
Council Timeline
Recruit candidates and perform brief informational interviews.
Host first council meeting discuss end of year program pieces and summer programming.
Become A Council Member
If you are interested in being a part of this council or want to learn more,
please let executive director Sammy, know by Friday, March 4th- sloeksdavis@beyondwalls.
Please see the council charter for information around roles and responsibilities.